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June 13, 2023


Dale County Commissioner Adam Enfinger announced today that he is seeking the Republican nomination to serve as the Chairman of the Dale County Commission.

“I believe in Dale County. My wife and I are proud to raise our children here,” Enfinger said. “I believe that our area has so much untapped potential to make things even better for the entire county and that is why I am running to be Commission Chairman.”

Enfinger, who previously served on the Newton City Council before his election to the Dale County Commission, pointed to the need for the County Commission and the municipal governments within the county to work together to accomplish what is best for the people of Dale County.

“It is essential that we take egos out of the equation when it comes to public service and do what is best for the people of this county. That is who we serve and that is why we are here,” Enfinger explained. “As a county that is made up of several municipalities, it is important that we work together and not against our county’s mayors and councils. We should all be working toward the same goal.”

Enfinger also says he would take a different approach to the spending of taxpayer dollars.

“When we are in the Commission chamber and we are going over budgets, that is not our money. That is the taxpayers’ money. I believe we should be very frugal in how we spend that money,” he said. “We have to live within our means just like every household in Dale County does and that means making choices. That is one of the primary reasons that I questioned the purchase of a $16,000 video security system for a single building. That seems exorbitant for cameras for a single building and I think comparison shopping leads to wiser spending. We need to be smarter with the money we have in the budget. That is just one expenditure. We need to be smarter about the commission spending on every line item.”

Enfinger also has concerns about services provided to Dale County citizens. The diminished landfill services, which has been an issue of contention for many citizens across the county, is an issue that Enfinger says he will address and fix if elected Chairman.

“I have received a lot of complaints about the landfill. I hear those complaints and I agree with them. We have to fix the landfill problem and I will do that,” Enfinger promised.

Enfinger also says he will focus more on listening to the county’s employees, especially when it comes to being more responsive to citizen needs and more responsible with taxpayer money.

“The people who really make this county work from day to day are the county employees and those are hard jobs that those men and women are doing. I have tried to get an employee survey done like they do in surrounding counties but have been told no. That is one of the first things I will do as Chairman. We need to know what is going on in terms of the day to day. Otherwise, we are in an airplane flying with a blindfold on,” Enfinger said. “Leadership without listening is not leadership at all.”

Enfinger also said he would also work to establish an employee incentive program that would actually save the county money.

“The people who do the day-to-day work often have ideas when it comes to efficiency and ways to save the county time and money,” Enfinger explained. “I would like to establish a program so that county employees can submit their ideas regarding ways in which their departments can run more efficiently. They can tell us where money is being wasted or how things can be done for less of a cost to the taxpayer. If that employee’s idea is implemented, I would like to give them a monetary reward based on a percentage of what their idea or suggestion saved the county. Giving county employees a stake in improving the operational and budgetary responsibility of the county is a win-win for everyone.”

He is married to Carla Enfinger and they have two children. That attend church services at Point of Praise in Daleville.

The Republican primary election will be held on March 5, 2024. Enfinger is the first Republican candidate to announce his candidacy. More about his campaign can be found on his website at

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Copyright © Adam Enfinger Campaign. 2024